Why use Archcordia

Archordia, question What is the worth of pictures that have been lost and forgotten into the deeps of a computer?

How to make sure that files have not been corrupted or got deleted by an accident?

It does not matter whether your memories are in videos, photos or documents. One thing is for sure – the more there is the harder it is to manage them.

Do you want to experience the easy way of doing archiving and swiftly find your digital memories instead of losing them in chaos

– Then this is the software for you.

What does it do then

Archordia, File Basket This program is a file archive software. This program was mainly developed for image archiving and organization, but not limited to. Actually it works with all types of files from images and videos to documents and CAD-files. The program takes care of the files for you and offers handy tools for their organization, displaying and searching.

    In an nutshell:

    Identifier based organization
    Comprehensive yet simple to use search function
    Ability to display the most common file types
    Dynamic and portable software

The main features

Identifier system

Archordia, Identifiers Identifier system is the core of organization. Archcordia displays files, such as photos, as items. Identifiers can be given to items so they can be sorted and found easily. The program has the following identifiers:

  • Keywords
  • Collections
  • References
  • Comments


The program was designed for multimedia archiving thus it is also able to play the most common file formats. The following formats are supported:

  • The most common image formats PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF
  • Animated GIF
  • The most common audio- and video formats

If the program is not able to play the file, it opens the file in the default program specified by Windows.

Archordia, Play, Mediaplayer

Other important features

Archordia, Featurelist, Organize

  • Extensive and handy search tools
    - Search items by date, size, identifiers and so on...
  • Duplicate search
    - The program can search duplicate files by matching filename or content.

  • File integrity check
    - The program is able to check the archived files for content corruption, modification or accidental deletion.
  • Portable software
    - The program can be installed or moved into an USB-device. Thus it can be run in home computer, on relative’s computer or friend’s computer – just like a photo album.

Get your own copy

Archcordia is for everyone. Thus it is priced for everyone.

US$ 7,50

Cheaper than an hour on minimum wage.


Contact and support

I am a technology student and I have always liked taking photos. Soon I discovered that no matter what I did the photos got easily lost without a proper archiving tools. Frankly any of the commercially available programs did not seem to do the trick. It lead me to create this fine nice of software to help us in our quest to manage our digital world.

I am committed to improve this program and add new features if only time and resources permits. I am glad to hear all comments(positive/negative), bug findings and support requests.

Special thanks goes to:
Qt OpenSource Project
Mah family

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